The benefits of open-plan living

A recent study carried out by the National Association of Estate Agents revealed that opening up space and kitchen makeovers are among the top four home improvements that will add value to a property. In addition to increasing the worth of the property itself, the Rollo Developments team have put together some of the top benefits of open-plan living, which we have seen many of our customers enjoy throughout our years of experience in the trade.
Light and bright
In your home, open-plan living is one of, if not the, best way to connect a kitchen (which is usually towards the back of the house) with other rooms, such as the living room and dining area. Connecting this large open space to lots of windows and doors leading to a garden, not only creates one large multi-functional space, but one that is beautifully bright and light-filled.
The nature of open-plan floor designs traditionally permits light to travel all the way through the ground floor of a property, with no annoying walls getting in the way and blocking its natural flow. Not only does this look great and create a really welcoming aesthetic, it’s also great for saving on electricity costs as you’re letting the sun do the bulk of the work without having to flick a switch!
Versatility and utility
Another perk of open-plan living is the versatility that such a big space offers. Of course, a kitchen is primed for cooking delicious meals and washing up afterwards with efficiency, but it can also be so much more than that.
An open-plan setting allows the kitchen to become a multi-purpose place where friends or family can chat and laugh together whilst the cooking happens, as well as being somewhere to actually eat. Having a specific dining room has become less and less popular in recent years, and we can see why when there’s so much more versatility and utility on offer in an open floor plan.
Delegate and portion space your way
In addition to just looking and feeling bigger, an open space provides a variety of opportunities for you to identify different areas and zones within your home, delegating space however you like in a way that keeps the floor plan as open as possible. From particular lighting styles that are unique to each area, to placing your kitchen islands, breakfast bars, and dining booths wherever you want, open-plan living doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t identify sections of the room to maintain whatever kind of structure you like.
Safety first
Open-plan living is also ideal for larger families, allowing parents to keep an eye on children playing whilst they stay busy in the kitchen. Open floor plans take away the need for parents to be in ‘two places at once’, whether for children or for any elderly relatives that you may be in charge of caring for.
Open-plan layouts can provide great accessibility for those who require a wheelchair or walking aid to move around. Fewer door frames to maneuver through or narrow hallways to navigate can allow less mobile individuals to move around with a lot more ease, and also make caring responsibilities that bit easier too.
Ready to renovate?
Rollo Developments is a leading name in Edinburgh renovations.
Don’t take the risk of trying to do your refurbishment yourself, hire a specialist contractor and we’ll give you peace of mind throughout every stage of the project.
Get in touch with the team at Rollo Developments.
Email or call 0131 210 0074 with your questions and queries.